Thursday 21 March 2019

Must Have Travel Essentials

Travel essentials nobody tells you about.

So, finally that much awaited trip you have been planning since like forever is happening, is it? Elated aren't you? I can so relate with you because my first trip happened so late though I absolutely love to travel. Well, we all love to travel don't we? We want the beautiful nature to surprise us when we least expect it to. Or you must be traveling for business or any other personal reasons no matter why or where you're traveling to, you must PlAN it very precisely. Let me tell you very honestly that I actually made this mistake and didn't think of anything but the destination and the fun I was going to have. Yes, I was sorry that I didn't plan or organize my first ever holiday trip the way it shoud have been planned. All I put in my travel bag were my clothes and my super cool shoes. Now when I think about it I feel so foolish but its okay because it was my first time that I was going for a holiday and my excitement was well, justified I guess.
So I don't want any one else to be sorry for the discomfort that might happen if you didn't organize your travel.
So first and foremost thing is the baggage. What are you filling it with, is very important for your hassle free trip. Don't you stuff it with your entire cupboards clothes and your footwear because duh, that's what is important right? No. And yes these are the two things very essential but not only just this.
So lets check each and every thing we are packing, shall we?

Now you must be thinking why am I mentioning the obvious one here. Well, You must have a good quality bag, its very important. You don't want to have an embarrassing moment that the bag you bought in sale just last week, didn't even make it to the airport. It must have proper store capacity also very light weight so that you could pack and extra pair of jeans instead of a heavy bag.

This includes your very own toothpaste, soap and shampoo. And don't forget the toothbrush please. Definitely the hotel will have these things in your room but you don't wanna risk your skin with some alien products in a different country you just landed into. And hey don't miss out on the sunscreen!
These are the most basic and very essential travel tools one must have. No matter where your going, how long your flight will be or how long you are gonna stay in a hotel this one is definitely going in the bag.

Here my friend you should be very choosy and strict with what exactly you're gonna need on your trip. Definitely have that beautiful dress you adore but make sure you stuff your bag with NEEDS and not just WANTS. Make sure you carry an extra pair of undergarments just to be on the safe side. Also pack a swim suit for that perfect dive maybe.
And a comb for your hair to be tamed.

The reason I am stating this separately is because your pajamas must be given importance when you are packing your stuff. What I did was I only carried along my clothes and forgot my night wear and had to buy them again for a hefty price because of the urgency of the moment.

This one is also very crucial because you are going to explore the city and not just sit in the hotel room for popcorn to arrive. Only comfortable footwear must be taken along. When you're talking long walks around, your heels get exasperating. I would ask you not carry any heel but its your call at the end. Extra pair of slippers are also advised.
And, don't forget those classy shades you have.

Alright, now that you have all that perfectly arranged you are all set. Check your passport, your tickets and also cross check your hotel bookings one more time and you are good to go.

This is what I think is important for traveling. Please do share your thoughts and tell me if I missed out on anything  I would love to hear from you.

Thursday 7 March 2019

7 Interesting facts about the 3rd tallest skyscraper in the world.

There are so many skyscrapers in the world some are huge some are enormously large and some are just excitingly beautiful making you speechless and awestruck at the same time.
Now here we are talking about the tallest ones around the world, skyscraper by the way means a very tall building which consists of many storeys.
I have never been interested in any of the buildings and constructions or the effort taken by the architects to design such beautiful masterpieces until I have actually been to one of the tallest building and looked down from the rooftop. I can't explain the feeling I got when I watched the sunset from there. Lets talk about the interesting facts about it!


1. It is the 3rd tallest building with a hole in   the world after Shanghai World                   Financial center and 85 Sky Tower in Taiwan.

2. The hole or the parabolic arch is actually huge which is atop the building which is connected by a sky bridge from one corner to the other.

3. It is 99 storey skyscraper of which 2 are below the ground was designed in joint venture of USA and Saudi based architects.

4. It was constructed merely within 3 years of time and it cost a whopping 453 million US $.

5. It was constructed and developed by Prince Waleed Bin Talal, the controversial 'Arabian Warren buffet' as the TIME magazine says.

6. This huge 992 ft skyscraper which is made of reinforced concrete columns and a steel frame structure is situated on the King Fahad road in Riyadh the capital city of Saudi Arabia.

7. The sky bridge is a heavy 300 ton steel stucture to which visitors after paying fees and taking two elevators reach.

 So these are the facts which I collected after visiting this tower myself let me know if you have any facts which I must know.

Sunday 3 March 2019

ALOEVERA : The miracle plant for all skin types

Haven't you been spending lots of bucks for that so called perfect moisturizer which fails you at the end?
Aren't you in need for something natural and healthy for your skin?

         So here's ALOEVERA for your rescue!

Now, maybe you've already heard about this miracle plant and never really thought it would do wonders to your skin. Whatever skin type you have oily, dry or both this natural moisturizer is for everyone out there.

How does it actually work?
Aloevera is rich in antioxidants which help prevent acne. It has vitamins A, C and E which keeps the skin healthy. It also contains anti inflammatory properties which can heal small cuts or wounds.

How to use it?
There are lots of Aloevera gel available in the market, but I suggest you use your own plant gel. Don't have it yet? Don't worry get an Aloevera plant today, nurture it everyday you wont ever regret having it in your home.
Cut a leaf of the plant, wash  it carefully, delicately peel off the skin because it could get a little slimy while doing so.
Now gently apply that gel on your washed-up face, do it in circular motion so it absorbs completely into your skin.
Do it everyday before going to bed and you will be surprised by it effective results. It not only hydrates your skin but moisturizes it for the soft feel you desire.

Tip: You could mix it along with a vitamin E capsule in the blender and store it inside the refrigerator for a week.

Do follow this routine and let me know how it worked for you. I would love to take your questions and suggestions.

Thursday 21 February 2019

Book:It's all in the planets by preeti shenoy(review)


About the book:
So this book as the title suggests is not about astrology or anything about planets. It is a wonderful story about two people who meet in a train and immediately spark a friendship between the main characters of the story.
So, the main characters here are, Aniket who is a cyber techie and Nidhi who has left her corporate job and works towards her passion of pottery. Aniket has severe girlfriend issues and is trying very hard to keep his girlfriend in love with him. Nidhi on the other hand has second thoughts on marrying the guy she is engaged to. They both meet on a train going from Banglore to Chennai. Aniket in pursuit of getting his model girlfriend Trish's attention asks Nidhi to be his fitness coach to which she happily agrees. Everything is going fine until the destiny takes a sudden turn and Trish eventually gets out of Aniket's life leaving him devastated. Nidhi plays the perfect friend when Aniket is need. They both fall for each other with time and the story ends happily.

About the author:
Preeti shenoy is a fantastic writer, the way she explores each character in the story is simply amazing. She keeps the reader's interest hooked until the last page of the book. She has been listed among the top writers of India, she has written several books and this is just one of gems she has shown the world.

I simply love the way Aniket and Nidhi bond for each other. Nidhi is a smart 32 year old girl who knows how to stay calm even in the worst situations and Aniket is dream guy every girl craves for, the way he loves his girlfriend is simply perfect, every time he said 'I want to make this woman happy' I simply fell for this character (chukles), I absolutely loved each and every bit of the book,only one thing I have to complain about is I wish the author showed more about Aniket's feelings for Nidhi I really hoped that there could be a little more written about the love between the main characters of the story. Except that I would totally recommend the book to each and everyone out there. If you are a believer in true love you will absolutely adore this book.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Do guys buy jewelry?

Hmmm...never saw a man alone in a jewellery shop or may be never really noticed it before until yesterday. I mean I am sure the guys who wants to propose their girlfriends into 'the marriage trap' definitely go and buy expensive jewelry to woo her to fall for them, but my question is do they go alone and buy the big diamond without the help of a female friend or cousin? Do you guys take the pain and understand what kind a jewelry your girl will love or you just buy because it looks big or looks expensive? Huh?
Well, lets read a story which might answer these questions for us.
                          THE STORY
              All thanks to my sister who got married to an NRI in KSA I managed to get a visit visa to explore the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, so one day I had to follow my mother and my sister to a gold jewelry market in Riyadh, now can you imagine the pain of a guy dragged down to a jewelry market, well I had no choice, so here I am looking at these expensive, unique designer jewelry. My mother having a look into each every shop in the market saying she is looking jewelry for my future wife. 'Rehan'! she yells at me, to follow her into the shops when I insist to stand outside. Not interested in any of the things infront of me my eyes notice three desi(Indian, pakistani or Bangladeshi ) guys, you can easily tell they are desi by their attire and attitude which is very different from the locals of Riyadh. They are giggling and making fun of each other and seriously looking at necklaces and bangles. I, curious about their trip to this market get a little closer to them trying to know their story.
'Come on man, she is fair as milk you gotta buy this white stone studded gold neclace for her, she will love it!' teases the guy in yellow tshirt. Listening to this, 'I don't know man I am not sure' answers the guy in blue jacket smiling coyly. 'Why? She is your fiancee buddy, don't you know what she might like?' asks the another guy beside them. 'I have only seen her picture like you guys, I haven't met her, don't know what she loves or hates. Its an arrange marriage guys, obviously!' says the guy in blue jacket.  'Damn! man you really got gutts' both of his friends pat his back. 'Rehan!' I hear my mom calling me again and we get back to our hotel after an hour of strolling around.
Later, that night I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the guy who was buying jewelry for his fiancée. This middle class guy who came all the way to an alien country to earn money, who was dressed very simply, wore a duplicate brand of a watch, who was obviously working hard every day to earn each and every penny in his pocket, was standing there trying his best to buy jewellery for a girl he didn't even meet. What was it? How does he know she is the right person to marry? How does he take such a risk with his life? Then my heart answers 'faith'. He has faith in his God or on his family. He believes that whatever may happen he will make his marriage work.
In a world where people who live-in together fo years without the bond of marriage finally decide to move on alone. I see a guy buying GOLD jewellery for his would be wife, who he didn't even chose. Irony of life!

Sunday 17 February 2019

Just the beginning

Since we dont know each other, let me tell you who I am. I am just a girl who speaks her heart out here. My blogs will only be help if you need it. They can annoy you, inspire you and may be fix your broken heart. Its all upto you. I love to write which is why I am here, obviously!
I'm honest, blunt and opinionated. I strongly believe in relationships and in the magic it is capable of. So, basically you will see me talk about it a lot, get ready for it!
Well, we all have a story, don't we? We want to talk about it to someone who wont judge us for it, someone who will be patient and understand it maybe not advice us but just be a listener, for God's sake! But sadly, all of us don't have listeners, we don't really have someone to talk about just everything. We have friends, everyone does but do we really talk to them about anything we like. I know some of you might be in need of a listener, or a friend or a guide or just a help to talk about anything! You just want to pour your heart out sometimes!
 I am here for you guys!

Must Have Travel Essentials

Travel essentials nobody tells you about. So, finally that much awaited trip you have been planning since like forever is happening, is...