Sunday 3 March 2019

ALOEVERA : The miracle plant for all skin types

Haven't you been spending lots of bucks for that so called perfect moisturizer which fails you at the end?
Aren't you in need for something natural and healthy for your skin?

         So here's ALOEVERA for your rescue!

Now, maybe you've already heard about this miracle plant and never really thought it would do wonders to your skin. Whatever skin type you have oily, dry or both this natural moisturizer is for everyone out there.

How does it actually work?
Aloevera is rich in antioxidants which help prevent acne. It has vitamins A, C and E which keeps the skin healthy. It also contains anti inflammatory properties which can heal small cuts or wounds.

How to use it?
There are lots of Aloevera gel available in the market, but I suggest you use your own plant gel. Don't have it yet? Don't worry get an Aloevera plant today, nurture it everyday you wont ever regret having it in your home.
Cut a leaf of the plant, wash  it carefully, delicately peel off the skin because it could get a little slimy while doing so.
Now gently apply that gel on your washed-up face, do it in circular motion so it absorbs completely into your skin.
Do it everyday before going to bed and you will be surprised by it effective results. It not only hydrates your skin but moisturizes it for the soft feel you desire.

Tip: You could mix it along with a vitamin E capsule in the blender and store it inside the refrigerator for a week.

Do follow this routine and let me know how it worked for you. I would love to take your questions and suggestions.

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